The Malaysia Global Business Forum has a proven approach for delivering results and is an integral part of a wider engagement to drive development.  While business development budgets and marketing budgets have faced pressures due to the current economic conditions, KPI’s targets, and organisational goals have not shifted, companies need a cost effective solution to address this paradigm shift, The Malaysia Global Business Forum has been tailored to that goal.Construction Purchasing in ASEAN

Where in the value chain are we targeting and what are those investors and businesses looking for? Who are the key investors & what can Malaysia offer them in terms of opportunities.  These questions creates challenges at all levels including Governmental, Organisational and Individual levels,  what is needed is a systematic approach to solve these problems.  Addressing the motivation of various stakeholders and bringing them to the table.  For businesses to reach their goals a platform is needed to fill the current gap, the Malaysia Global Business Forum which focuses on tangible results will bring together:

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