The Malaysia Global Business Forum (MGBF) recently co-hosted a roundtable titled “The Strategic Convergence of Media and Business Intelligence” with Nikkei scoutAsia.

What stands in the way of your company’s expansion into the lucrative growth markets of Asia? What stops companies that are already in a market in Asia from expanding into a neighbouring country?

This MGBF Roundtable will feature thought leaders from Japan, Australia, Singapore and Malaysia dealing with the critical issues of manipulation of public listed companies and government and their financial impacts.

The simple reality is that it is fear, fear of the unknown. The real question in this age of data and generative AI is how to make Asia more accessible to business leaders in real-time and in a focused manner that builds business results quickly.

Critical Questions:

  1. How can the media be manipulated by threat actors and business competitors to impact supply chains and share prices of public listed companies?
  2. How does effective business intelligence have a positive impact on the decision-making process of CEOs in a crisis and before an issue becomes public?
  3. How susceptible are governments and government departments to manipulation and how does this impact decision-making and policy decisions?  
  4. How reliable are Ready-to-use business intelligence reports about a person or company?
  5. Is there an effective way to move towards ESG in an organisation and how to avoid the pitfalls of greenwashing?

Details of the event are as follows:

Date: 29 May 2024

Time: 09:00 am – 02:00 pm (Panel Session) | 02:00 pm – 05:00 pm (Business Matching)

Venue: Ruyi at Bangsar Shopping Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Participation Fee: 

Standard Fee: RM138 per person

MGBF Members and Partner Chambers: RM88 per person

Register and book your seat here.



09:30 am Registration
10:00 am Welcome Remarks by MGBF Founding Chairman
10:05 am Keynote Address by Nikkei scoutAsia Chief Executive Officer
10:10 am Panel Session 1: “Identification of Business Opportunity using Media Intelligence”

In this dynamic panel session, industry experts will delve into the cutting-edge strategies and methodologies employed in harnessing media intelligence to identify lucrative business opportunities.
As the digital landscape continues to evolve, understanding how to navigate and extract valuable insights from the vast array of media sources becomes paramount. From social media trends to news cycles, participants will explore innovative approaches and case studies that illuminate the power of media intelligence in uncovering untapped markets, consumer preferences, and emerging industry trends.Join us as we unravel the transformative potential of media intelligence in shaping strategic decision-making and driving sustainable growth in today’s competitive business environment.
11:25 am Panel Session 2: “Addressing Strategic Gaps and Corporate Blind Spots”

In this pivotal panel session, industry leaders will explore the intersection of media intelligence and business intelligence in identifying and addressing strategic gaps and corporate blind spots in today’s fast-paced business landscape. As businesses harness the power of data and insights from diverse media sources, they confront the challenge of integrating this wealth of information into their strategic decision-making processes effectively. Panellists will delve into the synergies between media intelligence and business intelligence, illuminating how organisations can leverage data-driven approaches to unearth hidden opportunities and mitigate potential risks for sustainable success.Through insightful discussions and real-world case studies, participants will gain invaluable perspectives on how to bridge strategic divides, fortify organisational resilience, foster a culture of proactive strategic foresight, and drive sustainable growth in the ever-evolving media landscape. Join us as we uncover the keys to unlocking growth and innovation by confronting strategic gaps head-on.
12:10 pm

Presentation: Case Studies in Leveraging Nikkei scoutAsia and Handshakes Tools for Strategic Convergence

This will be an insightful presentation by Sachvinder Singh from Nikkei scoutAsia, as he unveils real-world case studies showcasing the transformative power of scoutAsia and Handshakes tools in driving strategic convergence between media and business intelligence.

Through compelling examples, Sachvinder will demonstrate how these innovative platforms have enabled businesses to gain unparalleled insights into market dynamics, competitor landscapes, and emerging trends across Asia-Pacific.

From identifying investment opportunities to mitigating risks, attendees will discover how scoutAsia and Handshakes empower organisations to make informed decisions and unlock new avenues for growth in today’s interconnected global marketplace.

12:30 pm Lunch
02:00 pm Business Matching
05:00 pm Event Ends


Speakers will be announced this week. Watch this space!

Hosted by Nikkei scoutAsia

scoutAsia is an Asia-focused news and company data platform, jointly developed by Nikkei and the Financial Times in 2018 with the ultimate aim of enabling customers towards better and more informed decisions. Combining quality content and technologies, scoutAsia provides AI-driven insights on what is changing in Asian business today. Singapore-based Handshakes by DC Frontiers came on board in 2019 to power the platform with its award-winning AI technologies.

Supported by Crisis Management Centre

We live in an age of crisis. A crisis can hit at any time and because of the power of the modern digital media, it can be a national or international story within minutes or hours. We need to be prepared and we need to be able to act fast. The Crisis Management Centre was established by Glenreagh Sdn Bhd to empower individuals, corporations, communities and governments to effectively deal with all aspects of crisis.

Through active advocacy, research, training and capacity building the Crisis Management Centre addresses gaps in critical industries, supply chains and communities to ensure a sustainable future-facing solution is achieved. 


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